
Liz Lomeli
Community Member
Aug 11, 2022 2:05:37 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Sadly no
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Yes I tried that unfortunately I think it's a setting set by my district that we need to have the letter grade for it to sync to our Aeries. Is there a way to set it so the letter grade shows up a...
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Thank you and I apologize because my question was unclear. Unfortunately disabling the overall percentage also gets rid of the letter grade or 4 point scale. I was hoping there was an option to displa...
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As a district that moved from NEO to Canvas the biggest complaint I'm hearing is the lack of shortcuts for grades. NEO would allow X for excused, M for missing and AB for absent. Please incorporat...
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Is it possible to remove the overall percentage from showing in a Canvas course or at least make it optional. We grade on the 4 point scale and having to translate the 4 point scale to a 100% scale is...
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Most Recent Posts

Sadly no
Sep 19, 2024 13:54 PM
Yes I tried that unfortunately I think it's a setting set by my district that we need to have the letter grade for it to sync to our Aeries. Is there a way to set it so the letter grade shows up a...
Nov 01, 2022 12:56 PM
Thank you and I apologize because my question was unclear. Unfortunately disabling the overall percentage also gets rid of the letter grade or 4 point scale. I was hoping there was an option to displa...
Oct 24, 2022 18:22 PM
As a district that moved from NEO to Canvas the biggest complaint I'm hearing is the lack of shortcuts for grades. NEO would allow X for excused, M for missing and AB for absent. Please incorporat...
Oct 24, 2022 17:40 PM
Is it possible to remove the overall percentage from showing in a Canvas course or at least make it optional. We grade on the 4 point scale and having to translate the 4 point scale to a 100% scale is...
Oct 24, 2022 17:34 PM

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