
Community Participant
Mar 28, 2017 7:23:41 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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My concern is that Classic Quizzes will be replaced with new quizzes and those of us who rely on the survey tool, weak as it is, will be left without one. Very annoying.
Likes: 7
I was with a professor yesterday and witnessed the disappearing graphics on his course home page in Safari. Clearing cache was required to restore them as per the usual scenario with this issue. These...
Likes: 4
This is so helpful! Thanks so much for sharing! Made the elective enrolments (which are not handled by registry) far less onerous. 
Likes: 3
Just adding in our voice to this - we have had this issue as well and it is a tremendous disadvantage when planning online and blended courses which rely on images which are informational rather than ...
Likes: 3
This will be a great development. Hopefully the Canvas CSS button styles will be extended as well! We used to use images as buttons on our templates but these are not accessible.
Likes: 2

Most Recent Posts

Totally agree...it would be very useful indeed to know the percentage of course content accessed via the app as opposed to browser.  C
Nov 09, 2022 08:08 AM
The problem here is that Zoom integrates with the Canvas Calendar for the whole course, so now every section gets every Zoom link in their calendars. For courses with multiple sections, this is just u...
Apr 21, 2022 14:24 PM
Hello, This is icon maker is progress, but the tool leaves much to be desired. Here are my suggestions after first use: The shapes are limited, and not generally appropriate for Higher Education.  I&#...
Apr 20, 2022 10:34 AM
We've just run our annual student survey and being able to tick all announcements as read was one of their top priorities. Having to tick them individually as read is a huge nuisance and seems a b...
Mar 22, 2022 04:57 AM
I agree, this is really a problem because some tutors just don't realise and important information gets stripped out of their messages.
Nov 22, 2021 13:19 PM

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