
Linda O Hara
Community Novice
Oct 1, 2015 10:55:25 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas This would add a level of control from the module to what is contained in them. Having a lock on module availability is great but sometimes I wou...
Likes: 288
Now it's active, still don't know why I couldn't vote last week
Likes: 0
Sorry for the delay...been busy, something called midterm exams...It took me awhile to understand exactly what that all meant. Then I realized why it was foreign (unknown) to me, or so I think.Philoso...
Likes: 0
It's November 4. Why can't I vote?
Likes: 0
Thanks for that information James but I don't see how to control the appearance of my files.The action cog includes "Download" "Rename" "Move" "Delete" nothing abou...
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Most Recent Posts

Now it's active, still don't know why I couldn't vote last week
Nov 9, 2015 2:44:29 PM
Sorry for the delay...been busy, something called midterm exams...It took me awhile to understand exactly what that all meant. Then I realized why it was foreign (unknown) to me, or so I think.Philoso...
Nov 4, 2015 1:36:18 PM
It's November 4. Why can't I vote?
Nov 4, 2015 1:28:06 PM
Thanks for that information James but I don't see how to control the appearance of my files.The action cog includes "Download" "Rename" "Move" "Delete" nothing abou...
Oct 14, 2015 2:08:56 PM
Jordan,What does this mean create the key to an assignment as a file? Might work if I can understand that part. Thank you!
Oct 7, 2015 11:27:14 AM

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