
Community Member
May 23, 2016 11:23:30 AM
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To find out, I started by looking at the HTML in my browser. I found the following:<form id="submit_online_upload_form" class="submit_assignment_form ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" ...
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It's documented here, under the "Folders" section (instead of "Files" where you might expect it).Basically, you send a properly formatted request to the aforementioned endpoint, and it'll give you som...
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Aria is an accessibility standard to tell screen readers about the structure of a page. Browsers don't do anything with these attributes.You will need to use CSS to visibly hide elements.
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Such a report shouldn't be too hard to build in to Canvas - it would probably only be one SELECT query on the table tracking external tools per course. Add a join to the course info table and you'd ha...
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Christopher Esbrandt wrote:I'm not very experienced with Ruby (Canvas is my first real working with the language), so I didn't want to go into the code to supply and answer when I wouldn't be sure of ...
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This won't work if the instructor has hidden the files page from students.When that happens, you'd need to scrape the rest of the course to find any file links directly.
Aug 2, 2018 12:07:15 PM
To find out, I started by looking at the HTML in my browser. I found the following:<form id="submit_online_upload_form" class="submit_assignment_form ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" ...
Jun 4, 2018 8:57:22 AM
Such a report shouldn't be too hard to build in to Canvas - it would probably only be one SELECT query on the table tracking external tools per course. Add a join to the course info table and you'd ha...
Jan 4, 2018 3:48:14 PM
Aria is an accessibility standard to tell screen readers about the structure of a page. Browsers don't do anything with these attributes.You will need to use CSS to visibly hide elements.
Dec 21, 2017 3:05:45 PM
Impelmenting API calls using Perl network libraries is pretty easy, since there's nothing special/implicit about cURL requests that any other library can't do.For the authorization, you're doing Autho...
Apr 30, 2017 11:49:12 PM

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