
Eric Magidson
Community Member
Sep 16, 2022 6:54:50 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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@chriscas  So to be frank, I have so many ideas for improvement of Canvas but if you look back on the links you provided you will see that these requests are years old and have yet to be implement...
Likes: 1
Here is a video explaining why I ask Canvas LMS to prioritize improving comments in the grade book.https://youtu.be/nIqTFz0Qong
Likes: 1
I a really perplexed as to why after what looks like 5-plus years the ability to add an end date, to go with the publish date has not been added.  I have enabled to announcement/discussion redesign an...
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Most Recent Posts

@chriscas  So to be frank, I have so many ideas for improvement of Canvas but if you look back on the links you provided you will see that these requests are years old and have yet to be implement...
May 16, 2023 10:54 AM
Here is a video explaining why I ask Canvas LMS to prioritize improving comments in the grade book.https://youtu.be/nIqTFz0Qong
May 11, 2023 13:39 PM
I a really perplexed as to why after what looks like 5-plus years the ability to add an end date, to go with the publish date has not been added.  I have enabled to announcement/discussion redesign an...
Sep 16, 2022 19:58 PM

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