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Jun 11, 2017 4:23:38 PM
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I figured it out, thanks! I thought I was logged in but I wasn't so it wouldn't let me vote. I wish we could vote twice on this one!
How can we vote on this? This is a HUGE problem for a lot of faculty members.
I know this is an old thread but the problem is, if a student then submits the assignment after you have put in a 0 you are not notified. I have had students with medical emergencies be allowed to sub...
I can't believe that this isn't a feature already included. A drag n drop tool is essential to those of us that are teaching courses that overlap over semesters or when setting up new courses ...
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I figured it out, thanks! I thought I was logged in but I wasn't so it wouldn't let me vote. I wish we could vote twice on this one!
How can we vote on this? This is a HUGE problem for a lot of faculty members.
I know this is an old thread but the problem is, if a student then submits the assignment after you have put in a 0 you are not notified. I have had students with medical emergencies be allowed to sub...
I can't believe that this isn't a feature already included. A drag n drop tool is essential to those of us that are teaching courses that overlap over semesters or when setting up new courses ...
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