
Community Member
May 24, 2016 12:49:49 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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 @lucija_medojevi ‌This is something for you to look into for your presentation on Web 2.0 tools and Canvas.
Likes: 1
I'm trying to "vote up" and although it says open for voting, my vote is not registering. I have just found this idea and fully support it. We teach language, literacy and numeracy to adul...
Likes: 0
This has been happening to us on and off for 2 years now. It disappears after a while but we can't fix it. It's not great because teachers new to the platform get really worried when it happen...
Likes: 0
I would vote for this but when I click on your link "Progress tracking for students" I am taken to a private group. I have 250 teachers who wold vote for this today! I'm sure that would he...
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Most Recent Posts

I would vote for this but when I click on your link "Progress tracking for students" I am taken to a private group. I have 250 teachers who wold vote for this today! I'm sure that would he...
Dec 13, 2018 14:32 PM
This has been happening to us on and off for 2 years now. It disappears after a while but we can't fix it. It's not great because teachers new to the platform get really worried when it happen...
Jun 29, 2018 06:21 AM
 @lucija_medojevi ‌This is something for you to look into for your presentation on Web 2.0 tools and Canvas.
Mar 08, 2018 14:55 PM
I'm trying to "vote up" and although it says open for voting, my vote is not registering. I have just found this idea and fully support it. We teach language, literacy and numeracy to adul...
Oct 27, 2017 17:20 PM

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