
Gemma Westwood
Community Member
Oct 21, 2022 12:51:28 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I have a query from an academic colleague regarding the formatting of Arabic and English text on the same page. Currently, there is no way to format this correctly (other than using the HTML) when bot...
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When creating multiple self sign up groups is it possible to lock a group from opening until the group before it has been filled?eg.Say you had 3 study groups with a limit of 10 students and you had a...
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Most Recent Posts

I have a query from an academic colleague regarding the formatting of Arabic and English text on the same page. Currently, there is no way to format this correctly (other than using the HTML) when bot...
May 19, 2023 06:48 AM
When creating multiple self sign up groups is it possible to lock a group from opening until the group before it has been filled?eg.Say you had 3 study groups with a limit of 10 students and you had a...
Nov 21, 2022 04:15 AM

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