
Britt Czupryna
Community Member
Oct 31, 2022 6:48:37 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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From what I can tell, students can see their own answers, and you also have the option to share the answer key with them, but there doesn't seem to be a way for students to see their answers AND t...
Likes: 3
Thank you for preloading the AP Standards into your system. A few things I've noticed related to AP Biology: The Defined Skills are missing from the standard set. These are just as important as th...
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Even within NGSS, there are Content Standards (DCSs) and Skills (Science Practices). It would be useful to be able to track progress on both instead of just picking one area to track (tracking progres...
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After creating an answer key in Mastery Connect, once it is saved, the standards cannot be modified. If I find that I accidentally selected the wrong standard and need to modify it, I have to complete...
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The Grade Cam Chrome Extension helped resolve many of the issues scanning a bubble sheet for me, if you are open to giving a paper test. 
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Most Recent Posts

Thank you for preloading the AP Standards into your system. A few things I've noticed related to AP Biology: The Defined Skills are missing from the standard set. These are just as important as th...
Dec 22, 2022 09:17 AM
Even within NGSS, there are Content Standards (DCSs) and Skills (Science Practices). It would be useful to be able to track progress on both instead of just picking one area to track (tracking progres...
Dec 22, 2022 09:09 AM
After creating an answer key in Mastery Connect, once it is saved, the standards cannot be modified. If I find that I accidentally selected the wrong standard and need to modify it, I have to complete...
Dec 22, 2022 09:06 AM
The Grade Cam Chrome Extension helped resolve many of the issues scanning a bubble sheet for me, if you are open to giving a paper test. 
Dec 22, 2022 08:59 AM
IF you download GradeCam helper (chrome extension), the GradeCam seems to work better. 
Dec 22, 2022 08:56 AM

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