Amy Zeller
Community Member
Oct 7, 2015 5:57:14 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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@bennette_2020 Exactly!
I would love to move it forward to continue discussion as it does not show well for students that it is opening a specific module. Thank you!
It opens the entire module list when I link. I want it to only link to the specific module, not to the list of modules. I have a student account too so I can see what students see and they see the who...
The ability to link to a specific module, like I can link to a specific page, assignment or file would be tremendously helpful!
Hello! Thank you for getting back to me. At my school we also usePowerSchool and PowerSchool has student's final grades, so they do not needto match Canvas. Also, students complete much of their w...
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@bennette_2020 Exactly!
I would love to move it forward to continue discussion as it does not show well for students that it is opening a specific module. Thank you!
It opens the entire module list when I link. I want it to only link to the specific module, not to the list of modules. I have a student account too so I can see what students see and they see the who...
The ability to link to a specific module, like I can link to a specific page, assignment or file would be tremendously helpful!
Hello! Thank you for getting back to me. At my school we also usePowerSchool and PowerSchool has student's final grades, so they do not needto match Canvas. Also, students complete much of their w...
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