
Community Participant
Nov 22, 2016 10:14:00 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Realistically, how are teachers meant to score these "new quizzes?"The "new" quizzes autoscores forced choice questions and then displays that score to students as if it is an actual s...
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TLDR: How do I stop observing a student?I am a teacher who also supervises a group of guided study students each quarter.  I had these students add me as an observer so that I could help them track th...
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Okay, so this is fine IN THEORY but in practice-- I've been trying to get rid of my observer status for over a year now.  There needs to be a way to do this ourselves. 
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This is really unacceptable.  If I can enroll myself, I should be able to unenroll myself.  My institution does not have an option to generate a support ticket. 
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It's been 8 years since I first requested this. I cannot believe I'm still having to type in 86 names instead of being able to "except" three students. 
Oct 12, 2022 07:06 AM
Annual post asking why this is not a thing yet
Aug 17, 2021 16:51 PM
how in the world is this still not available?  I have been yelling into the void since 2014.
Mar 16, 2021 12:22 PM
Realistically, how are teachers meant to score these "new quizzes?"The "new" quizzes autoscores forced choice questions and then displays that score to students as if it is an actual s...
Oct 15, 2020 15:25 PM

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