
Jon Lenrow
Community Novice
Apr 5, 2017 11:21:41 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

I know that this might seem like a silly question since no one asks this about face to face instruction, but would any of you mind sharing what you tell faculty who ask "how many posts should I ma...
Likes: 6
New to Canvas - we haven't rolled out our first course yet.  It will be May 12.  We're stoked!  From this I gather that we cannot set the default notifications across the College, is that corr...
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rfa‌, I teach an orientation course and try to use as many features in Canvas as I can so that students will be prepared if future professors use any of them. I therefore use text submissions for jour...
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Darn!  I didn't I think of that!  Why, yes, yes, you do win the pen.  Please email me your address (jlenrow@peirce.edu).  It will go out in today's mail.  There will be other prizes in the...
Likes: 2
Has anyone used or heard of Verbit.ai?  They seem to provide outstanding closed captioning at a reasonable price and integrate with Canvas.  If you have any information - good, bad, or indifferent, I ...
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Most Recent Posts

With Turn-it-in being sold Turnitin to Be Acquired by Advance Publications for $1.75B | EdSurge News, I want to be prepared in case the new owner makes drastic changes that we don't like.  What pl...
Mar 08, 2019 09:55 AM
Thanks so much, Laura!  I took a quick gander at your course and will come back to look at it in more detail.I should have also explained in my original post that I have several roles at Peirce.  Yes,...
Oct 03, 2018 13:56 PM
I know that this might seem like a silly question since no one asks this about face to face instruction, but would any of you mind sharing what you tell faculty who ask "how many posts should I ma...
Oct 03, 2018 12:38 PM
Can anyone tell me what's included in "activity" for both students and teachers?
Aug 31, 2018 10:13 AM
Darn!  I didn't I think of that!  Why, yes, yes, you do win the pen.  Please email me your address (jlenrow@peirce.edu).  It will go out in today's mail.  There will be other prizes in the...
Jul 17, 2018 06:59 AM

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