
Eson Tan Yee Shun
Community Member
Feb 12, 2023 7:45:41 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I am writing to seek guidance on an issue that I have encountered while using the Student Outcome Report feature in Canvas. I have set up all the outcomes for our institution's courses and units, ...
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Can CANVAS automatically conclude student after the section end day??If not, I don't mind to do it manually but is there have any way to do more than 1 student at once ? Thank you
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When I am in unit setting and view marking scheme and manage it, it shows I have more then 10 schemes, not only in one unit but also in others units. but I never set them before.However, when I get in...
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Most Recent Posts

I am writing to seek guidance on an issue that I have encountered while using the Student Outcome Report feature in Canvas. I have set up all the outcomes for our institution's courses and units, ...
Apr 10, 2023 21:51 PM
Can CANVAS automatically conclude student after the section end day??If not, I don't mind to do it manually but is there have any way to do more than 1 student at once ? Thank you
Feb 15, 2023 22:40 PM
When I am in unit setting and view marking scheme and manage it, it shows I have more then 10 schemes, not only in one unit but also in others units. but I never set them before.However, when I get in...
Feb 12, 2023 20:56 PM

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