Amelia Hayson
Nov 27, 2016 6:42:11 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Hi @dave_perry ,Thanks for your feedback! There is an awesome Feature Request online at the moment which I think would be of interest to you: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/2027-certifica...
Hi @jenny_hopf ,Have you given any thought to Accredible, Badgr or Credly as options for third-party LTI's who offer badging/ certification capabilities. Might be worth taking a look if you ...
Hi @mlattke ,Have you had the opportunity to check out Atomic Search? They have an lti with Canvas, it might be worth a look!- Am
Hey @aliciamajor Here is the information surrounding the Attendance feature we have been discussing as of late. If you can please vote and provide any other information around ideas you think co...
Thanks @lisa_mitchell for your valuable feedback.Giving consideration to the Attendance LTI being responsive in Canvas Applications would be awesome for us as RTO's who are trying to track ...
Most Recent Posts
Hi @dave_perry ,Thanks for your feedback! There is an awesome Feature Request online at the moment which I think would be of interest to you: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/2027-certifica...
Hi @jenny_hopf ,Have you given any thought to Accredible, Badgr or Credly as options for third-party LTI's who offer badging/ certification capabilities. Might be worth taking a look if you ...
Hi @mlattke ,Have you had the opportunity to check out Atomic Search? They have an lti with Canvas, it might be worth a look!- Am
Thanks @kerri for your feedback. Do you think you'd be able to email me/ or add a small paragraph why this feature is important and the positive impact it would have on the VET Space?
Hey @aliciamajor Here is the information surrounding the Attendance feature we have been discussing as of late. If you can please vote and provide any other information around ideas you think co...
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