Kevin Wright
Community Contributor
Aug 23, 2016 11:31:57 AM
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Graduated with a degree in Mathematics from University of Houston in 2017. Doing non-profit work with Financial Mentors of America to educate our nation's children in the art of critical thinking and financial independence.
Most Liked Posts
I've done some research on here and I've found some references to inline styling. But I can't find anything that suggests that a CSS can be applied only at a specific course level. For exa...
Hey guys, I'll spare you my life story on this one, but I am the LMS Administrator at a non-profit institution. What that means is that I'm the administrator, the course designer, the data-ana...
Hi all, I posted this question elsewhere but thought perhaps it could have it's own thread. If I'm wrong go ahead and delete me. Anyways, I recently watched Canvas' accessibility video and...
For those of you who do not know, canvas has an entire style guide full of neat little things you can add to your course. I wish I had found this sooner, so enjoy. Now my question is how much of this ...
My institution has a need to remove the "export course" option from TA profiles. Any ideas on how to do this? I'm not seeing an obvious permission.
Most Recent Posts
I've done some research on here and I've found some references to inline styling. But I can't find anything that suggests that a CSS can be applied only at a specific course level. For exa...
This is pretty cool, how do you apply custom CSS at the course level?
I'm working on developing a free course to be used by public schools that will bridge the gap between programming and financial literacy skills, that meets the requirements for both. Does anyone h...
Hi Randy, Thanks for the response. I am in 100% agreement with you there, Canvas needs a way to have a course content search. It's been in the radar for a long while but I haven't heard any up...
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