
Kenneth Jansen
Community Novice
Feb 9, 2016 11:31:22 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I agree, exported gradebook should match the grade screen.  If you allow users manually to change assignment codes, that's fine, but exporting columns at random is not even bush league.  It's ...
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Thanks, Gwinn. I think you're right about unintended consequences of new tech.I started a tumblr mostly to express my irritation with Delta Airlines, but it made things much easier in teaching. ...
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Gwinn:The simplest thing while we wait for Instructure to make a worthwhile product is to use an RSS feed. I'm not an IT geek, but I still found it easy.I created a blog on tumblr. For each clas...
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This is a great idea.  Kind of rare that one teaches only one course per term.  Being able to propagate announcements would save me a lot of time. Right now, I import an announcement from one course t...
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Let's face it, Canvas does the absolute bare minimum to jumping ship and trying a database that actually works.  Voting is just a scam to set customers against each other.  Would you buy a Toyota ...
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Most Recent Posts

I agree, exported gradebook should match the grade screen.  If you allow users manually to change assignment codes, that's fine, but exporting columns at random is not even bush league.  It's ...
May 01, 2021 07:18 AM
Thanks, Gwinn. I think you're right about unintended consequences of new tech.I started a tumblr mostly to express my irritation with Delta Airlines, but it made things much easier in teaching. ...
Jun 17, 2020 09:27 AM
Gwinn:The simplest thing while we wait for Instructure to make a worthwhile product is to use an RSS feed. I'm not an IT geek, but I still found it easy.I created a blog on tumblr. For each clas...
May 17, 2020 10:21 AM
Let's face it, Canvas does the absolute bare minimum to jumping ship and trying a database that actually works.  Voting is just a scam to set customers against each other.  Would you buy a Toyota ...
Feb 26, 2020 09:01 AM
This is a great idea.  Kind of rare that one teaches only one course per term.  Being able to propagate announcements would save me a lot of time. Right now, I import an announcement from one course t...
Mar 20, 2019 10:17 AM

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