
Andrea Peruzzi
Community Member
Apr 4, 2023 6:01:45 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I'm inquiring about the possibility of assigning a large number of quizzes, for instance, around 50, to a specific section in a more streamlined manner. Currently, my approach involves modifying a...
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How can I send an appraisal to each single student?
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Is there a way to allow students to mark questions within a quiz as "to be reviewed later"?
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How can I limt the number of answers a student can select in a specific multiple answer question? For example in a multiple answer question with only two correct answers I would like to force the stud...
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Most Recent Posts

I'm inquiring about the possibility of assigning a large number of quizzes, for instance, around 50, to a specific section in a more streamlined manner. Currently, my approach involves modifying a...
Jan 09, 2024 05:15 AM
How can I send an appraisal to each single student?
Nov 28, 2023 14:11 PM
Is there a way to allow students to mark questions within a quiz as "to be reviewed later"?
Apr 08, 2023 09:31 AM
How can I limt the number of answers a student can select in a specific multiple answer question? For example in a multiple answer question with only two correct answers I would like to force the stud...
Apr 04, 2023 07:08 AM

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