
Community Explorer
Senior Lecturer, Biology
Jun 17, 2017 2:01:38 PM
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See www.facebook.com/don.lotter.1

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Stefanie - Thank you so much. I will try to negotiate the bewildering array of forum sections to post to the correct one.Don
Likes: 3
The answer did not address the question:  how do I open 20 assignments for one or two students?  I take it that it is not possible, as with so many common sense things with Canvas
Likes: 1
I would like to package Canvas-based projects and quizzes for other instructors, but I won't have a CSU account after next week. I exported my course, but will need to access Canvas in order to do...
Likes: 0
It appears that New Quiz, Fill-in-the-Blank default condition gives the correct answer after the student puts in a wrong answer.  If  "Allow Multiple Attempts" is checked, then students learn ...
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I designed the first quiz with 2 attempts.  But the students who wanted to take it a second time were denied.I had to go into New Quiz, click on Settings, and choose Allow Multiple Attempts.  We have ...
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Most Recent Posts

I would like to package Canvas-based projects and quizzes for other instructors, but I won't have a CSU account after next week. I exported my course, but will need to access Canvas in order to do...
Jan 01, 2024 18:10 PM
The answer did not address the question:  how do I open 20 assignments for one or two students?  I take it that it is not possible, as with so many common sense things with Canvas
Feb 03, 2022 12:29 PM
It appears that New Quiz, Fill-in-the-Blank default condition gives the correct answer after the student puts in a wrong answer.  If  "Allow Multiple Attempts" is checked, then students learn ...
Oct 05, 2020 18:24 PM
I designed the first quiz with 2 attempts.  But the students who wanted to take it a second time were denied.I had to go into New Quiz, click on Settings, and choose Allow Multiple Attempts.  We have ...
Aug 31, 2020 11:59 AM
I will l end up with over 100 Gradebook columns.  Last year, mid-semester, Canvas made a change to the Gradebook heading margins and made the margin spacing far too wide (empty space on either side of...
Aug 26, 2020 21:25 PM

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