Community Participant
Jun 5, 2016 5:43:11 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
Most Liked Posts
Is there a way to randomize the order of questions on mastery connect w/o having to create new exams for each student? Such a feature would help as far as exam development time as well as to prevent c...
Problem statement:
Currently, assignments, quizzes, etc, default to being assigned to all students. If a student starts the course later in the semester/year, the to-do list makes it appear that they ...
Again...as I asked several years ago, why is this still in the voting stage? There are so many up-votes. I will reiterate the need for such a feature.
Currently the annotate feature in assignments doesn't have shapes. Other apps like kami provide students with this option which is very useful in math. The lines helps students create diagrams a...
Still wondering why this is still in voting. It's been in voting for 3 years. Could we please get some feedback?204Vote UpVote DownVoted on 206 times.You have voted up.OPEN FOR ...
Most Recent Posts
Is there a way to randomize the order of questions on mastery connect w/o having to create new exams for each student? Such a feature would help as far as exam development time as well as to prevent c...
Problem statement:
Currently, assignments, quizzes, etc, default to being assigned to all students. If a student starts the course later in the semester/year, the to-do list makes it appear that they ...
Again...as I asked several years ago, why is this still in the voting stage? There are so many up-votes. I will reiterate the need for such a feature.
Currently the annotate feature in assignments doesn't have shapes. Other apps like kami provide students with this option which is very useful in math. The lines helps students create diagrams a...
Still wondering why this is still in voting. It's been in voting for 3 years. Could we please get some feedback?204Vote UpVote DownVoted on 206 times.You have voted up.OPEN FOR ...
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