
Steven Morono
Community Novice
May 9, 2023 10:47:07 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Why can an assignment not be split into two parts or just make two assignments? I had an assignment to write a paper, the paper had a due date. I completed the paper on time and turned it in on time. ...
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If there is not a way to have one assignment be two assignments then why is the instructor doing so? Using some convoluted work around is not the answer. If the system does not support this capability...
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If there is not a way to have one assignment be two assignments then why is the instructor doing so? Using some convoluted work around is not the answer. If the system does not support this capability...
May 20, 2023 5:37:29 PM
Why can an assignment not be split into two parts or just make two assignments? I had an assignment to write a paper, the paper had a due date. I completed the paper on time and turned it in on time. ...
May 9, 2023 11:23:22 AM

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