
Michael Gustafson
Community Member
Jun 5, 2023 10:27:25 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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@ProfessorBeyrer  - that seems like a pretty incredible amount of work.  For instance, I have 14 TAs.  Having them create 14 different sheets that they give to me to re-import for each assignment ...
Likes: 1
Can the ability to preview a full announcement be added?  I use LaTeX with my announcements and generally like to use the or to set off the equations rather than clicking through the add m...
Likes: 1
Has there been any action on this?  As an instructor with a large course, I would ilke to be able to create Sections that I can then tell the TAs to use when grading various assignments.  Specifically...
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Most Recent Posts

Has there been any action on this?  As an instructor with a large course, I would ilke to be able to create Sections that I can then tell the TAs to use when grading various assignments.  Specifically...
Jan 27, 2025 12:34 PM
@ProfessorBeyrer  - that seems like a pretty incredible amount of work.  For instance, I have 14 TAs.  Having them create 14 different sheets that they give to me to re-import for each assignment ...
Sep 18, 2023 20:26 PM
Can the ability to preview a full announcement be added?  I use LaTeX with my announcements and generally like to use the or to set off the equations rather than clicking through the add m...
Jun 05, 2023 11:37 AM

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