
David Jones
Community Explorer
Jun 11, 2023 1:23:17 PM
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A long term higher ed professional tinkering at the intersections of learning, teaching, and digital technologies.

Most Liked Posts

Introduction Canvas Collections is an open source tool that helps to transform the Canvas modules index page by adding structure, visuals, and context. This can help you improve the organisation, aest...
Likes: 2
Good question, Chris. Sadly, it does not.  Collections is a Javascript application that modifies the Modules web page. The mobile apps work differently meaning this approach does not work. I've ad...
Likes: 1
Canvas Collections is an open source extension for Canvas that may help. One of its key features is the ability to organise modules into multiple collections. Visitors to the course site can then navi...
Likes: 1
Thanks for sharing @VVMarshburn.  Both the code and your thought process. A quick search of the community reveals a lot of need for this functionality, including my current institution. I believe ...
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Most Recent Posts

Good question, Chris. Sadly, it does not.  Collections is a Javascript application that modifies the Modules web page. The mobile apps work differently meaning this approach does not work. I've ad...
Aug 25, 2023 22:21 PM
Canvas Collections is an open source extension for Canvas that may help. One of its key features is the ability to organise modules into multiple collections. Visitors to the course site can then navi...
Aug 24, 2023 00:38 AM
Introduction Canvas Collections is an open source tool that helps to transform the Canvas modules index page by adding structure, visuals, and context. This can help you improve the organisation, aest...
Aug 17, 2023 21:38 PM
Thanks for sharing @VVMarshburn.  Both the code and your thought process. A quick search of the community reveals a lot of need for this functionality, including my current institution. I believe ...
Jun 14, 2023 15:42 PM

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