
Matt Hagen
Community Contributor
Sep 21, 2016 9:08:52 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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At my school, many students have individualized start dates and assignment due dates. Sometimes students take leaves of absence which require me to adjust due dates for those particular students. Alth...
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Some schools allow students (1) to start programs of study on individualized start dates, and (2) to pursue these programs full-time or part-time. Acme Career School (fictitious), for example, offers ...
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Hi everyone. As part of evaluating Canvas for my school, I have been experimenting with adding interactive content to courses including embedding flashcards from quizlet.com and studystack.com. Embedd...
Likes: 8
We have developed an in-house app called Easel that enables us to add supplemental functionality to Canvas including the ability to assign individualized due dates. Here is a quick demo of this featur...
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Thanks, R. After my initial push to build a proof of concept, my time has been diverted in other directions, but it looks like I will be getting more time for this soon.
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Thanks, R. After my initial push to build a proof of concept, my time has been diverted in other directions, but it looks like I will be getting more time for this soon.
Nov 08, 2017 07:47 AM
Thanks, Tom. We are just beginning to use Easel now which means I am starting to make modifications. I still consider Easel a POC.
Jun 08, 2017 04:45 AM
See especially Use Cases for Managing Independent Study including videos. I am starting to use Easel at my school.
Jun 07, 2017 16:34 PM
Thanks, Jen.
Apr 20, 2017 06:14 AM
Thanks, Linnea, for describing your use case for "available until." I will add this to my use case list.
Mar 01, 2017 06:15 AM

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