
Shannon Welton
Community Explorer
Instructional Strategist
Aug 1, 2023 8:15:44 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I have a group of science teachers who want to have students submit signed lab policy documents in Canvas but don't want to assign the submission a grade. I can't figure out a workaround. If t...
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This is helpful! By doing it this way does this give the teacher the ability to enter the grade in the grade book? Do you guys happen to sync to a SIS? Ideally, the teacher could add the incomplete gr...
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Just wondering how others are handling grade changes after a term and grading period has ended. I have a few teachers that need to enter grades for an incomplete assignment for last semester. Can anyo...
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I was wondering if anyone was using an outside communication resource or app for parents that integrated or connected well with Canvas. Currently, our school has a separate site for report cards and p...
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Those are very helpful!! Has anyone seen . . . PutResult:NoOneRosterResult
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Most Recent Posts

This is helpful! By doing it this way does this give the teacher the ability to enter the grade in the grade book? Do you guys happen to sync to a SIS? Ideally, the teacher could add the incomplete gr...
Jan 18, 2024 08:07 AM
Just wondering how others are handling grade changes after a term and grading period has ended. I have a few teachers that need to enter grades for an incomplete assignment for last semester. Can anyo...
Jan 12, 2024 07:31 AM
I was wondering if anyone was using an outside communication resource or app for parents that integrated or connected well with Canvas. Currently, our school has a separate site for report cards and p...
Oct 26, 2023 10:27 AM
Those are very helpful!! Has anyone seen . . . PutResult:NoOneRosterResult
Oct 25, 2023 12:50 PM
We are struggling to make our Canvas grading scheme match our SIS grade translation table. For example; A+ 96.5(min) to 120(max) A 92.5 to 96.49 And so on . . . how are you handling grades over 10...
Oct 10, 2023 10:16 AM

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