
Mark Dundon
Community Member
Aug 10, 2023 12:18:57 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Currently, my CANVAS Gradebook will not change the scores on assignments that I edit the number of days late. The status will change (None, Late, Missing, Except) but the number of days late will only...
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Hi, Thank you for helping. You are exactly right. About an hour later, I saw that it was created as a practice quiz. So, I changed it to a "graded quiz." I feel like everything needs to be wor...
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Lost Quiz data: scores column missing from gradebook
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Most Recent Posts

Currently, my CANVAS Gradebook will not change the scores on assignments that I edit the number of days late. The status will change (None, Late, Missing, Except) but the number of days late will only...
Jan 09, 2024 14:00 PM
Hi, Thank you for helping. You are exactly right. About an hour later, I saw that it was created as a practice quiz. So, I changed it to a "graded quiz." I feel like everything needs to be wor...
Sep 28, 2023 10:29 AM
Lost Quiz data: scores column missing from gradebook
Sep 20, 2023 13:38 PM

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