
Elizabeth Huntley
Community Member
Aug 10, 2023 1:53:53 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Problem statement: I am attempting to implement principles of ungrading in my classroom. One principle is to incentivize good work rather than punish bad work. In my case, my students take a daily rea...
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Problem statement: On a Page, I would expect that inserting a hyperlink to a course image would do just that: create a hyperlink that, if clicked on, would open up the image in a new window. Instead, ...
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Problem statement: I am attempting to implement principles of ungrading in my classroom. One principle is to incentivize good work rather than punish bad work. In my case, my students take a daily rea...
Oct 07, 2024 10:22 AM
Problem statement: On a Page, I would expect that inserting a hyperlink to a course image would do just that: create a hyperlink that, if clicked on, would open up the image in a new window. Instead, ...
Aug 21, 2023 15:11 PM

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