
Jason Scheffler
Community Novice
Feb 18, 2016 12:43:22 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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"Currently the way partial points in a multiple answer quiz question works is to dock points for incorrect answers.  This is necessary, otherwise one could just select every choice and get full po...
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This is exactly what I would like as well. I would like to treat each option individually and keep points awarded at whole numbers. As it is now, a mistake becomes increasingly more costly as fewer co...
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Most Recent Posts

"Currently the way partial points in a multiple answer quiz question works is to dock points for incorrect answers.  This is necessary, otherwise one could just select every choice and get full po...
Sep 13, 2018 13:35 PM
This is exactly what I would like as well. I would like to treat each option individually and keep points awarded at whole numbers. As it is now, a mistake becomes increasingly more costly as fewer co...
Feb 18, 2016 15:16 PM

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