Jeff Huettman
Community Novice
Aug 22, 2017 6:44:46 AM
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I'm a passionate problem solver, particularly in the area of Developmental Math. My goals are to improve outcomes for students, save them money and reduce the barrier to accessing high quality materials for faculty.
I spent 15 years working for a major publisher and recently decided to leave to pursue my passion of solving the developmental math problem.
Most Liked Posts
Hello, Canvas folks. Our little company is looking for people who would be willing to field test a new math product that we are working on. It extends the functionality of Canvas to that of a MyMathLa...
Hi, Marcy. The only real option we are looking at (at this time) would be to have us author those questions for you. Our bank of content extends from basic math through pre-calc and that's around ...
If you are reading this and were not in our our last round of pilot, let me tell you a bit about what it is we're working with. We're looking for our next round of piloters for our new canvas ...
Hi, Lisa. Full disclosure, we do not have a statistics course, per se. There have been folks who have pulled items from other banks to support a stats class. I will also say that every single one of o...
Hi, Donna. The tool includes access to around 7,000 algorithmic questions from basic math all the way through trig. You can create formative or summative assessments. Better yet, here's a little v...
Most Recent Posts
Hi, Linea. Thanks for asking. At this time we don't do common core tagging of our content, but we do have it on our roadmap.
If you are reading this and were not in our our last round of pilot, let me tell you a bit about what it is we're working with. We're looking for our next round of piloters for our new canvas ...
Hello, all. I just wanted to respond to this thread with some updates as to just how we’ve been doing with our little math assessment pilot inside of canvas. As of last week, for this semester, we’ve ...
Hey, Marcy.You can change the due date on an assignment by using the Canavs tools for modifying the date and just confirming that change in Sophia. We can definitely help. Can you e-mail me at jhuettm...
Hi, Marcy. The only real option we are looking at (at this time) would be to have us author those questions for you. Our bank of content extends from basic math through pre-calc and that's around ...
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