
Bill Ashmanskas
Community Explorer
Aug 21, 2023 8:10:53 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Problem statement: When including an essay question into a classic quiz, one must enter a point score for the essay question. One first reads the answer, then one scrolls back up to the top of the pag...
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My students confirm that they can see their grades, irrespective of the state of the (presumably obsolete) "muted" flag that appears in the individual gradebook and in the REST API.  
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I see the "Muted?" checkbox in the "individual gradebook" GUI.  In the "traditional gradebook" GUI, I see at the top of each assignment a "Grade Posting Policy."  It cu...
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I'm using https://github.com/kajigga/py_canvas_api to allow myself to do some routine Canvas tasks from Python scripts rather than from the Canvas GUI.  I would like to be able to unmute an assign...
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Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: When including an essay question into a classic quiz, one must enter a point score for the essay question. One first reads the answer, then one scrolls back up to the top of the pag...
Oct 05, 2024 09:42 AM
My students confirm that they can see their grades, irrespective of the state of the (presumably obsolete) "muted" flag that appears in the individual gradebook and in the REST API.  
Aug 28, 2023 07:08 AM
I see the "Muted?" checkbox in the "individual gradebook" GUI.  In the "traditional gradebook" GUI, I see at the top of each assignment a "Grade Posting Policy."  It cu...
Aug 23, 2023 07:09 AM
I'm using https://github.com/kajigga/py_canvas_api to allow myself to do some routine Canvas tasks from Python scripts rather than from the Canvas GUI.  I would like to be able to unmute an assign...
Aug 21, 2023 09:32 AM

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