
Community Explorer
Dec 7, 2016 11:43:14 AM
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How come my assignments are being treated as "Not Yet Assessed" in the Learning Mastery Gradebook? In Student View, when I click on Quiz 1 (P1-P4) I am able to see that the Test Student has ea...
Likes: 5
Is there a way to reorder outcomes so that they are not in alphabetical order? For my set up, it would be extremely helpful for me to reorder my outcomes so that they are listed in the order which the...
Likes: 3
Is there any way to have the Rubric screen as the default screen in SpeedGrader?
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Hi Matt, I would switch back to the old gradebook, but I believe our institution has us locked down on the "New Gradebook". 
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I am wondering is it possible to have multiples of the same outcome aligned with one assignment and recorded using the 'n-number of times' calculation method? For instance, say I have an outco...
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I am wondering is it possible to have multiples of the same outcome aligned with one assignment and recorded using the 'n-number of times' calculation method? For instance, say I have an outco...
Jan 19, 2022 11:12 AM
I was able to find a fix.https://community.canvaslms.com/thread/37864-assignments-appearing-as-not-yet-assessed-in-learning-mastery-gradebookGet Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36>
Dec 17, 2019 20:10 PM
Hi All,  I was able to find a fix! Somehow the assignments are muted, and to allow students to see that they have been assessed you have to go to Gradebook >> Individual View >> Select eac...
Oct 21, 2019 20:09 PM
I am using Standards Based Grading in two of my courses this semester, and as such I have chosen to use Canvas's Learning Mastery Gradebook (LMG). On my end, other than a few kinks, I got the LMG ...
Oct 06, 2019 17:07 PM
I still have one class where students cannot see that they have met any standards. It is still saying each assignment has not been assessed. Has the fix been pushed for all courses or only some? 
Oct 02, 2019 08:02 AM

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