
Pete Grey
Community Contributor
Oct 20, 2015 8:16:57 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I would have to agree with the high likelihood students will end up missing content. I see a simple fix by placing a semi-transparent "more" tab in the middle of the floating navigation bar be...
Likes: 10
Hello designers, I have a (hopefully easy) question regarding the viewing of canvas across different platforms (mobile, laptop and desktop). I have recently been shown the light with using divs instea...
Likes: 7
Hi Heather, Thank you for your thorough response, I am an exercise physiologist by trade, so popping my head into this coding business is...interesting.. Firstly, hats off to your colleague, I really ...
Likes: 5
Hi, I was wondering if I could get teacher access also (just to see the coding). I'm not sure who I should PM my email address to is all. Thanks very much, this looks awfully exciting!
Likes: 3
Hi  @gclam ​,At our institution we basically have three "courses". One is our template for a certain course, this is where I build page layout and content etc. The second is then our "...
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Hi @dbeeson ,Yes it is 2016, yes instructure have the skillset to add an undo button, but they can not add every single item that is requested, that would be chaotic. Thats why there is this forum...
Apr 10, 2016 16:41 PM
 @BethCrook  I have made this same error, we haven't implemented anything yet, but we are definitely looking at the multiple submission in the one assignment shell... If you don't mind me ...
Mar 31, 2016 16:51 PM
I have thought more about the preview page and believe it to be a waste of time! Not to worry. A little undo icon button would definitely be helpful to teachers / students not so savvy in the keyboard...
Mar 14, 2016 20:12 PM
Out of curiosity, is this "undo" as in you hit "save page" don't like how it looks and can then undo. Or is it if you change something in RCE then undo it without  saving?I for one...
Mar 14, 2016 19:59 PM
Hi  @gclam ​,At our institution we basically have three "courses". One is our template for a certain course, this is where I build page layout and content etc. The second is then our "...
Mar 07, 2016 17:34 PM

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