
Bronwyn Lapham
Community Novice
Sep 22, 2016 11:34:56 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi DianaWe had the same problem. It appears to me that Canvas does not have an equivalent to the Moodle "book". Our workaround was to view the book in Moodle, then "print" it to a sing...
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Thank you SO much for sharing your experiences.
Likes: 4
To clarify, you can "print" the book via the Book Admin block.
Likes: 3
Thanks so much for sharing this Brian. May I use this as the basis of one to suit our higher ed situation please?
Likes: 2
Hi allWe have imported several Moodle courses into Canvas using a Moodle 1.9/2 import. Our experience using IMS CC was less than satisfactory, maybe due to the content types.I have only just found tha...
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Hi allWe have imported several Moodle courses into Canvas using a Moodle 1.9/2 import. Our experience using IMS CC was less than satisfactory, maybe due to the content types.I have only just found tha...
Jan 31, 2017 21:31 PM
Thank you SO much for sharing your experiences.
Jan 26, 2017 14:07 PM
Thanks so much for sharing this Brian. May I use this as the basis of one to suit our higher ed situation please?
Nov 07, 2016 17:04 PM
I agree with the idea, but would like to see it collapsible, ie have it slide in/out to free up horizontal screen real estate.
Oct 27, 2016 14:54 PM
To clarify, you can "print" the book via the Book Admin block.
Oct 16, 2016 15:56 PM

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