Community Participant
Apr 19, 2017 6:23:46 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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We are in relatively good shape with our CD2 processes, though we have yet to go a full week without some kind of error, usually caused by the authentication token timing out (which leads to a 401 err...
Yes, our jobs failed 10/21 and 10/22. Just spot-checking, it does look like the failures are when checking the status endpoint (500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://api-gateway.ins...
Presentation TitleSurfing Learning Analytics on Canvas Without Wiping OutAbstract / Session OverviewIn this presentation, we’ll update you on year two of our Canvas Data journey. We’ll talk about read...
Thank you for the questions, @sgergely.
1. Our ETL process is based around Informatica, which is the tool of choice at our institution. We aren't using the DAP Client directly. We have one Inf...
Thanks for the question. @BobODell.
We have a daily set of daily jobs that grab data for each of the tables (including web_logs) and push it to S3. From there, we load into Redshift. For the most...
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Hi @rexj I had a trailing slash on mine (e.g., https://YOUR-INSTANCE.instructure.com/api/v1/), but the same other than that. Are you seeing more than one url being output? If you reduce your "...
Hi @rexj -- Are you sure that there are more than 100 records for the person you are searching for? I ran your script successfully within minimal changes (just changing the base url, access token ...
Thanks @sgergely -- Is there a plan to make mobile log data available via DAP at some point in the future?
@guo848 Only 30 days are available via DAP. (https://data-access-platform-api.s3.amazonaws.com/tables/catalog.html#tables-in-canvas-logs) You could contact your CSM to see if they are retained som...
Thanks for getting it fixed, @sgergely !
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