
Community Contributor
Jun 25, 2017 11:21:34 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I don't want to use the green and red colors in the rubrics. If a student gets the max points they see green but if they get any other percentage (even 90%) they see the color red outlining the ru...
Likes: 4
As the instructor, can I change the name of the Test Student to an actual name?  
Likes: 3
I want to allow students to redo work on a previously submitted text entry assignment.  Where is the function to make this an option?   Much thanks! (Knowing me, I'll probably figure this out afte...
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Does the student who is marked absent (and who is using the Canvas app with alerts enabled) immediately get an alert that they have just been marked absent?  I teach a 6-hour series of Saturday classe...
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How can I hide my "inactive" students.  Those who were no-shows will not require a grade like those who drop after the deadline so I can't see any reason to have them on the people list.  ...
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Problem statement: When completing an assessment using a rubric for a discussion, one has to scroll to the right. Having the "Submit Assessment" button on the left-hand side rather than the ri...
Nov 18, 2024 14:53 PM
This is a miracle!  Thanks!  
May 13, 2024 22:18 PM
Thank you.  This is brilliant.  I never noticed that at the end of the dropdown menu!  Saves time for sure! 
Dec 30, 2023 17:12 PM
Yep, in the view options drop-down toggle OFFnotes, refresh then toggle ON notes refresh.  All better.  Ahhh.... thanks! 
Dec 21, 2022 20:16 PM
It would be incredibly helpful to click on a student's name from various places on the site and be able to email them or see their profile or any other number of things to work with that student. ...
Dec 02, 2021 11:37 AM

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