
Community Participant
Jun 15, 2016 11:32:29 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Can I change the default time for when assignments are due to something other than 11:59 pm?
Likes: 5
Is it possible to remove/turn off the feature that marks an assignment as missing or late?
Likes: 1
When students submit for an h5p assignment late (past the due date/time in Canvas) the grades are not posted to the gradebook.  I've checked with h5p and they are saying it is something in Canvas....
Likes: 0
I would also like to be able to create a rubric with no points. I don't assign points or letter grades in my class and every time I select a rubric I have to open it to have it remove the points. ...
Likes: 0
If you have a Screencast-o-Matic account you can download the video from Studio and then upload it into Screencast-O-Matic and use their editing features.  Then download and upload back to Studio.  Wo...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

When students submit for an h5p assignment late (past the due date/time in Canvas) the grades are not posted to the gradebook.  I've checked with h5p and they are saying it is something in Canvas....
Aug 04, 2024 11:51 AM
I would also like to be able to create a rubric with no points. I don't assign points or letter grades in my class and every time I select a rubric I have to open it to have it remove the points. ...
Dec 05, 2023 13:33 PM
If you have a Screencast-o-Matic account you can download the video from Studio and then upload it into Screencast-O-Matic and use their editing features.  Then download and upload back to Studio.  Wo...
Jul 22, 2022 13:03 PM
I have a related question.  I am no longer getting a notification flag on my inbox link in the navigation menu in Canvas when I have received a message from a student.  When I go to my Notifications p...
Jul 10, 2022 19:04 PM
So glad to see that this feature has been added to Speedgrader.  It makes changing the status much easier.  Thank you!
Oct 17, 2021 11:43 AM

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