
Community Participant
Oct 26, 2015 2:04:17 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Update - If you use<div style="display: none;"></div>instead of <span...then it appears to be persistent. Info found here: Re: Aceptable HTML Elements
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Edited to add - use <div> rather than <span>   There is a bit of a workaround although it is not ideal.   Click to edit the page and then click on HTML Editor. Surround the text to be hidd...
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I have been playing around trying to figure out a persistent way of leaving comments in the html code of canvas pages for a while.There have been various discussions in various threads as to whether o...
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Many thanksAlex
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Hi KelleyPlease can I request access to the Canvas Hacks Course.a.p.g.robinson@bham.ac.ukMany thanksAlex
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There is a work-around (not sure I would call it a solution) that allows for the correct behaviour - ie students online seeing the meetings they need to, meetings correctly in the Zoom app, and one...
Jan 20, 2021 02:13 AM
Adding canvas section compatability is on the Zoom LTi roadmap according to a post I saw on the Zoom app dev forum ( https://devforum.zoom.us/t/api-calls-to-import-or-create-meetings-within-the-lti-pr...
Oct 15, 2020 12:19 PM
It works! It was a tedious half an hour going through the fifty invites in the calendar setting each one to the appropriate section (having the calendar in weekly view helps), but I now have all the m...
Oct 14, 2020 04:19 AM
Edited to Add: Improved Solution... Make all of the meetings in zoom as normal, then go to calendar and for each meeting follow from instruction (5) below, but only give a date to the appropriate sect...
Oct 08, 2020 08:47 AM
Hi Chofer,Thanks for the answer. The hope was not to need to import the commons resource to each course individually as there are a lot of courses (>100 I think).We did find a different solution wh...
Sep 06, 2020 15:30 PM

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