
Dr. Michael Smart, Ph.D.
Community Member
Sep 27, 2023 3:12:28 PM
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Dr. Michael Smart, Ph.D. (Doc Mike), is a psychology, education, and business professor at Collin College. Also, Dr. Smart tutors hundreds of students over Wyzant. as an APA version 7 expert, psychologist, certified PMP™ Project Manager, DECA Judge, and experienced healthcare business Professional. Doc Mike also mentors and judges DECA contestant students in business ethics and law, business strategy, healthcare, food service, organizational development, project management, and entrepreneurial operations. Dr. Smart has academically advanced credentials with a Ph.D. in Psychology from Grand Canyon University, an MBA, a Master of Sciences (MS) in Project Management (Certified PMP™), and Healthcare from the University of Texas. Doc Mike’s published dissertation is about how disadvantaged populations describe succeeding past the conditions that lead to complex trauma and foster care and their experiences, understandings, and relationships that cultivated personal preparation for achieving significant sociological accomplishments like college attendance. Dr. Michael Smart has also been professionally licensed in adolescent development, providing care for foster youth development. Additionally, Dr. Smart is the Managing Director and Lead Research Psychologist for The Complex Trauma Research and Advocacy Institute and has presented at conferences and symposiums for the Jean Piaget Society and the European Adolescent Research Association.

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