
Jennifer Hurley
Community Novice
Oct 29, 2015 11:06:31 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

I don't know why Canvas insists upon points for grading. Many of us are moving towards grading systems without points or letter grades (standards-based grading or specifications grading). Linda Ni...
Likes: 392
I write lots of comments in the text of my students' essays using Speedgrader, but my students can't access these in-text comments from the Grades page. All they can see are the end comments. ...
Likes: 255
Yes, I would love to be able to hide old announcements from a previous semester, so I can reuse these comments, editing them when necessary. Why can't we do this?
Likes: 7
Matthew, Thanks for showing this. This change does not seem like a significant improvement to me. The feedback should be really obvious, so obvious that students cannot fail to see it. Otherwise, all ...
Likes: 0
Sherry, I could not agree more. I have been trying to get attention to this issue for over two years now, and in that time, no improvements have been made. I now use voice feedback because the Canvas ...
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Most Recent Posts

Laura, Thanks for raising this point. I agree. There are over 10,000 educators who are actively trying to throw out traditional grading on the FB page Teachers Throwing Out Grades. Canvas needs to off...
Nov 27, 2018 13:48 PM
Matthew, Thanks for showing this. This change does not seem like a significant improvement to me. The feedback should be really obvious, so obvious that students cannot fail to see it. Otherwise, all ...
Nov 16, 2017 11:01 AM
Sherry, I could not agree more. I have been trying to get attention to this issue for over two years now, and in that time, no improvements have been made. I now use voice feedback because the Canvas ...
Oct 26, 2017 10:39 AM
Hi Laura,I am not on Twitter, but I may have to be to gain access to all of the TTOG resources! I would love to know how you have students grade themselves … I think I am moving in that direction. I w...
Aug 31, 2017 19:23 PM
Thanks, Laura. Your message was inspiring. I am connected to TTOG through Facebook, and these teachers gave me the confidence to go gradeless (except for a final grade, which I’m required to give). It...
Aug 31, 2017 16:00 PM

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