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Jun 28, 2017 3:04:03 AM
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Hi,they had unique IDs for the confirmation e-mails in the backend, so it wasn't possbile to forge e-mails for submissions that had not actually happened. There are some pitfalls with submission n...
Any news on this one? We recently moved over from Blackboard Learn, where they had just added this functionality, which was a higly requested feauture by our students.Now we've moved them over to ...
Just wanted to bump this one up, since we just came across this limitation. Why is it even there? It takes the choice of customization away from the user without good reason.We would very muc...
Adding my voice to his as well,this is a much needed feature for every institution that uses letter grades, or rather numeriacal grades, like in the german higher ED sector. For us, what we'd real...
We too are having some issues with the files section / notifications / the general way how this is handled in Canvas.The above mentioned controls would be a much needed feature, since the current impl...
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So,I didn't have the time to check the functionality out myself, but it seems pretty clear that holding a button on the stylus won't be a feasible solution, it's just not the intended way ...
Hi,they had unique IDs for the confirmation e-mails in the backend, so it wasn't possbile to forge e-mails for submissions that had not actually happened. There are some pitfalls with submission n...
just adding my two cents - after getting feedback from one of our faculty members who wanted to use a stylus to create annotations while using a Wndows 10 device, it seems that the biggest issue at th...
We too are having some issues with the files section / notifications / the general way how this is handled in Canvas.The above mentioned controls would be a much needed feature, since the current impl...
Adding my voice to his as well,this is a much needed feature for every institution that uses letter grades, or rather numeriacal grades, like in the german higher ED sector. For us, what we'd real...
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