
Alice Garrard
Community Participant
Dir, Instructional Technology
Jun 20, 2016 7:32:44 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Has this been addressed? I do not have the import feature turned on my canvas. I would simply like to select courses via a user interface to delete. What is the status of this?  
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Thank you so much. Alice
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Greetings Linda and Canvas Community - We are attempting to test our tool in LTI 1.3/Advantage. We are on our Beta Canvas site that LTI 1.3 Advantage is in Development, not BETA - can you tell us how ...
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Hello Linda, Thank you for this update it was very helpful, informative and easy to follow. I do have a question for the Canvas Team. As you mention above, the 'paint is almost dry on the LTI 1.3 ...
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Most Recent Posts

Has this been addressed? I do not have the import feature turned on my canvas. I would simply like to select courses via a user interface to delete. What is the status of this?  
May 12, 2021 15:14 PM
Thank you so much. Alice
Feb 13, 2019 13:37 PM
Greetings Linda and Canvas Community - We are attempting to test our tool in LTI 1.3/Advantage. We are on our Beta Canvas site that LTI 1.3 Advantage is in Development, not BETA - can you tell us how ...
Feb 12, 2019 11:24 AM
Hello Linda, Thank you for this update it was very helpful, informative and easy to follow. I do have a question for the Canvas Team. As you mention above, the 'paint is almost dry on the LTI 1.3 ...
Jan 17, 2019 14:31 PM

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