Wesley Custer
Community Member
Director of Instructional Services
Jun 30, 2017 10:30:12 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This needs to be investigated! The core technology for screen recording used by Studio is available within the iOS environment. We just need to harness it.
This really is a major frustration for our instructional design and technology team and our faculty. There would have to be some sort of text scraping of the html looking for the course ID inside a li...
A notification of a new enrollment would be a fantastic option! I'd like to recommend that this be a setting at the course/offering level with the ability to enter a specific email to notify. A si...
I agree with this feature request. It could be very helpful to roll out a new feature to just a sub-set of users at a time. Even if the goal is to use said feature for the whole instance it may not be...
Most Recent Posts
This needs to be investigated! The core technology for screen recording used by Studio is available within the iOS environment. We just need to harness it.
This really is a major frustration for our instructional design and technology team and our faculty. There would have to be some sort of text scraping of the html looking for the course ID inside a li...
A notification of a new enrollment would be a fantastic option! I'd like to recommend that this be a setting at the course/offering level with the ability to enter a specific email to notify. A si...
I agree with this feature request. It could be very helpful to roll out a new feature to just a sub-set of users at a time. Even if the goal is to use said feature for the whole instance it may not be...
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