
Jeremy King
Community Member
Faculty, Design Technology
Mar 27, 2024 2:44:57 PM
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Jeremy King Master Instructor, Hot Air Balloon Pilot, and Lighting Designer Jeremy King, hailing from Wichita, Kansas, is a distinguished Master Instructor for the National Coalition for Certification Centers, specializing in Measuring and 3D Printing. With a passion for precision and innovation, Jeremy has dedicated his career to advancing technical education, helping students and professionals alike to master complex skills in cutting-edge technologies. Beyond the classroom, Jeremy soars to new heights—literally. An accomplished hot air balloon pilot, he finds serenity and adventure among the clouds. His recent acquisition of a brand-new balloon marks the latest chapter in his aviation journey, promising many more breathtaking flights. Not just a master of technical skills and aviation, Jeremy is also a seasoned lighting designer for concerts. His creative expertise brings stages to life, crafting unforgettable experiences with his mastery of light and design. Jeremy King is a multifaceted individual whose contributions span from the educational sphere to the skies and the stage, continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

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So my class is doing the same thing while using the New Quizzes quizzes within Canvas.  Any thoughts on why its not working with the New Quizzes external Tool?
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I have a quiz that has let's say 24 questions in it.  Is there a way to put a rubric on one question and not on the whole quiz?
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So my class is doing the same thing while using the New Quizzes quizzes within Canvas.  Any thoughts on why its not working with the New Quizzes external Tool?
Aug 15, 2024 07:02 AM
I have a quiz that has let's say 24 questions in it.  Is there a way to put a rubric on one question and not on the whole quiz?
Apr 04, 2024 14:44 PM

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