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Jul 11, 2018 5:50:11 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Great Idea! Hopefully Canvas will listen to this request. I am still waiting on them to allow us to sort previous courses in "All Courses". Canvas, if you need help I have some first year pro...
I stand corrected there is NO take action threshold.More votes however seems to help more than intense frustration with Canvas and threats to find a new LMS so LET FACULTY KNOW about the vote.
Obviously Canvas is not going to change its process to get this matter corrected. The problem is too few faculty know about this voting process. I have already got the word out to all the faculty in m...
Canvas PLEASE add this feature soon. It is not so bad for teachers with just a few courses a semester, but I have multiple lab sections with up to 12 courses a semester. Problem gets worse every semes...
Wow, thank you James for your simple fix. You quickly illustrated the how easy this problem could be fixed.It serves as a fine example of how little Canvas cares to fix this issue themselves! It is a ...
Most Recent Posts
Great Idea! Hopefully Canvas will listen to this request. I am still waiting on them to allow us to sort previous courses in "All Courses". Canvas, if you need help I have some first year pro...
Wow, thank you James for your simple fix. You quickly illustrated the how easy this problem could be fixed.It serves as a fine example of how little Canvas cares to fix this issue themselves! It is a ...
I stand corrected there is NO take action threshold.More votes however seems to help more than intense frustration with Canvas and threats to find a new LMS so LET FACULTY KNOW about the vote.
Obviously Canvas is not going to change its process to get this matter corrected. The problem is too few faculty know about this voting process. I have already got the word out to all the faculty in m...
Canvas PLEASE add this feature soon. It is not so bad for teachers with just a few courses a semester, but I have multiple lab sections with up to 12 courses a semester. Problem gets worse every semes...
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