
Community Member
Jul 11, 2018 5:50:11 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Great Idea! Hopefully Canvas will listen to this request. I am still waiting on them to allow us to sort previous courses in "All Courses".  Canvas, if you need help I have some first year pro...
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I stand corrected there is NO take action threshold.More votes however seems to help more than intense frustration with Canvas and threats to find a new LMS so LET FACULTY KNOW about the vote.
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Obviously Canvas is not going to change its process to get this matter corrected. The problem is too few faculty know about this voting process. I have already got the word out to all the faculty in m...
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Canvas PLEASE add this feature soon. It is not so bad for teachers with just a few courses a semester, but I have multiple lab sections with up to 12 courses a semester. Problem gets worse every semes...
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Wow, thank you James for your simple fix. You quickly illustrated the how easy this problem could be fixed.It serves as a fine example of how little Canvas cares to fix this issue themselves! It is a ...
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Most Recent Posts

Great Idea! Hopefully Canvas will listen to this request. I am still waiting on them to allow us to sort previous courses in "All Courses".  Canvas, if you need help I have some first year pro...
Jan 28, 2021 09:30 AM
Wow, thank you James for your simple fix. You quickly illustrated the how easy this problem could be fixed.It serves as a fine example of how little Canvas cares to fix this issue themselves! It is a ...
Jul 15, 2019 15:40 PM
I stand corrected there is NO take action threshold.More votes however seems to help more than intense frustration with Canvas and threats to find a new LMS so LET FACULTY KNOW about the vote.
May 21, 2019 08:42 AM
Obviously Canvas is not going to change its process to get this matter corrected. The problem is too few faculty know about this voting process. I have already got the word out to all the faculty in m...
May 21, 2019 08:13 AM
Canvas PLEASE add this feature soon. It is not so bad for teachers with just a few courses a semester, but I have multiple lab sections with up to 12 courses a semester. Problem gets worse every semes...
Jul 11, 2018 07:31 AM

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