
Community Explorer
Learning Technologist
Jan 10, 2019 3:26:26 PM
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Hello, world My name is Benji. I am passionate about being at the vanguard of digital transformation by combining design, data and decision science to develop new perspectives and solutions. I enjoy collaboration with a variety of stakeholders to identify novel approaches to solving complex problems, with over a decade of demonstrated history of working in the higher education sector. I am highly proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, have been a life-long user of Adobe products and consider myself an advanced user of the Adobe Creative Cloud (Spark, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, etc). I am experienced in Learning Technologies and have a wealth of experience with an array of Learning Management Systems (Canvas, Moodle, Compass). My experience is primarily in Academic Support and I consider myself to have strong Digital Literacy and Data Analysis skills.

Most Liked Posts

Did you know that you can embed images in a unit that dynamically size, according to your page size?   This is ideal for embedding images into your Canvas unit that can be viewed on a mobile with no i...
Likes: 1
Did you know that you can embed images in a unit that dynamically size, according to your page size?This is ideal for embedding images into your Canvas unit that can be viewed on a mobile with no issu...
Likes: 1
Hi Adam,I am by no means a Canvas expert, but generally web relies on using a defined pixel size for use in exact positioning of elements on a web page.See: Web Layouts: pixels vs percentagesPercentag...
Likes: 0
 @James ‌ you are an absolute LEGEND.Thank you for getting this fixed so quickly, AND teaching me something new!
Likes: 0
 @James ‌, these Canvancements are AMAZING.The Access Report data has proven invaluable to our Faculty, but I have noted that since the October Canvas updates release notes that this userscript is...
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Most Recent Posts

Hi Adam,I am by no means a Canvas expert, but generally web relies on using a defined pixel size for use in exact positioning of elements on a web page.See: Web Layouts: pixels vs percentagesPercentag...
Jan 27, 2020 20:51 PM
Did you know that you can embed images in a unit that dynamically size, according to your page size?   This is ideal for embedding images into your Canvas unit that can be viewed on a mobile with no i...
Jan 20, 2020 20:59 PM
Did you know that you can embed images in a unit that dynamically size, according to your page size?This is ideal for embedding images into your Canvas unit that can be viewed on a mobile with no issu...
Jan 20, 2020 20:51 PM
 @James ‌ you are an absolute LEGEND.Thank you for getting this fixed so quickly, AND teaching me something new!
Oct 24, 2019 17:15 PM
 @James ‌, these Canvancements are AMAZING.The Access Report data has proven invaluable to our Faculty, but I have noted that since the October Canvas updates release notes that this userscript is...
Oct 23, 2019 22:35 PM

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