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Jul 12, 2018 9:57:48 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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We deal with similar issues here when fielding questions. l agree with all the above sentiments and concerns shared above.
Here is what works for us:
* Canvas is essentially a big webpage, so reloadi...
I would like to echo all these sentiments. To respond to the one suggestion, whether it was classic or new did not make any difference. Also, using the Commons or send to / copy to also didn't see...
Thank you--the explanation about removing sections is really helpful. I would also add, be prepared to delete yourself from that section, as the instructor counts as an enrollment. You cannot delete t...
I like the idea of delayed announcements for personal messages as opposed to just instructional messages. It would take a load off my mind to know that I'm not missing kids or my teachers' bir...
Duplicating quizzes as described above is fairly simple, however it is good to know that if you are in a module that has a quiz within it, you will not be able to duplicate that module. A workaround i...
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Problem statement: Current production defaults to new modules appearing at the bottom of the browser window. This requires instructors to either drag the module to the top of the page, or use the brea...
I would like to echo all these sentiments. To respond to the one suggestion, whether it was classic or new did not make any difference. Also, using the Commons or send to / copy to also didn't see...
Problem statement: Teachers have the ability to "message students who...." in each assignment in course grades, but cannot do this for overall scores. I have no way to differentiate messaging ...
I have multiple teachers who used this functionality and are scrambling because it's gone. They had built this into the online discussion component of their exam.
Thank you--the explanation about removing sections is really helpful. I would also add, be prepared to delete yourself from that section, as the instructor counts as an enrollment. You cannot delete t...
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