Community Contributor
Apr 30, 2018 8:56:01 AM
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I am passionate about solving problems, Liverpool football club, and Marmite, although probably not in that order. One of my duties has been as the technical LMS lead for Virginia's Community Colleges for the past 15 years or so, and now as they have moved from another LMS to Canvas.
While far from a hard-core programmer, I enjoy making life easier for myself and college staff (in that order). I am mildly proud of building an elegant per diem calculator, and of being on Google's Higher Education Customer Advisory Board.
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Currently the API is exposed in Swagger 1.2 format. Exposing it in the OpenAPI (Swagger 2.0) format would allow for the easy creation of MS Flow Connectors in Office 365 and similar connectors on othe...
Ditto Virginia Community College System. Very specifically, this key issue:
"Only the role with the Act As permission is checked for this permission match, rather than combining all permissions se...
Unconference began with a series of delightful, 5-minute presentations by a variety of people about their conference experience. While this was going on, the organizers got the topics organized.I atte...
https://philonedtech.com/instructure-restructure-significant-layoffs-hitting-canvas-side-of-the-business/ "Today, Instructure has implemented a new, even larger round of layoffs, this time primari...
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We have a vendor who wants us to create developer keys for each member institution, but the actual difference between each key is in a single custom parameter. Everything else is the same. Across 23 c...
Problem statement:
*Any* kind of root admin gets *full* Studio admin permissions. This means that if I grant someone a limited permission such as the ability to post a Global Announcement, they will a...
The privacy email is non-responsive at Khan Academy. We would need a Full HECVAT, but it's not clear if there is one for this integration.
You could use the "has" option.
#application:has(#global_nav_login_link[href="/login"]) {
Thanks for the quick response, @AkosFarago. I do have a ticket open.
Are you sure that the user holds a sub-account Admin role in a Canvas sub-account?
Absolutely sure.
We would love to better un...
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