
Matthew Hunt
Community Member
Sep 27, 2024 2:49:38 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

I have imported a course from the Commons into Canvas a few times. But with a couple of the courses the students have issues accessing the Puzzle part of the course and receive the following error:  ...
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I'm asking about how tutors can add OneDrive files to Canvas as learning resources in a course, and whether students can view/access those files if they are OneDrive files saved in secure staff fo...
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Just to ask is it possible for students to upload on a weekly basis their vocational maths and English as well as direct study homework on Canvas assignments?Only as the students explained when they c...
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Most Recent Posts

I have imported a course from the Commons into Canvas a few times. But with a couple of the courses the students have issues accessing the Puzzle part of the course and receive the following error:  ...
Oct 08, 2024 09:44 AM
I'm asking about how tutors can add OneDrive files to Canvas as learning resources in a course, and whether students can view/access those files if they are OneDrive files saved in secure staff fo...
Sep 30, 2024 07:41 AM
Just to ask is it possible for students to upload on a weekly basis their vocational maths and English as well as direct study homework on Canvas assignments?Only as the students explained when they c...
Sep 27, 2024 03:52 AM

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