
Pamela Breedlove
Community Novice
Nov 3, 2018 6:01:11 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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If you make an error in typing a comment while using a rubric and then save it, there is no way to correct it later. It's possible to save a new, corrected comment, but then you have to check each...
Likes: 83
Agree! I find that using the rubrics helps clarify for my students the relationship between what I put in the assignment directions and the grades assigned. The ability to edit/delete comments would i...
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Agree! I find that using the rubrics helps clarify for my students the relationship between what I put in the assignment directions and the grades assigned. The ability to edit/delete comments would i...
Apr 25, 2019 17:28 PM
If you make an error in typing a comment while using a rubric and then save it, there is no way to correct it later. It's possible to save a new, corrected comment, but then you have to check each...
Feb 10, 2019 16:09 PM

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