
Julie Bird
Community Novice
Sep 18, 2018 6:11:17 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Ok I contacted the teacher she contacted BYUI Tech support and enrollment. I am no longer enrolled in the class. I can forward you all the emails This is an APP issue. Julie
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I have emailed the teacher, I have unstarred the class on my desktop but this class will not go away! PLEASE HELP. Also, it would be nice to have a real conversation with someone as I have submitted t...
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Stefanie:Thank you for your reply!1. Yes, this is only happening in the app. When I log into the browser I am only enrolled in this semesters classes. Also, I spoke with BYUI registration and they ass...
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I just posted this message on the I-Learn Community and tagged the Canvas specialists:Re: Deleting Former DB groups in Canvas app This is still an issue for the student. Her Canvas app still shows her...
Likes: 0
I have contacted the teacher to unenroll me and I have unchecked the star on the desktop but I still have this class on my app. This is my 2nd attempt to reach out to canvas! Yes, I have deleted and r...
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Most Recent Posts

Stefanie:Thank you for your reply!1. Yes, this is only happening in the app. When I log into the browser I am only enrolled in this semesters classes. Also, I spoke with BYUI registration and they ass...
Apr 30, 2020 18:54 PM
I just posted this message on the I-Learn Community and tagged the Canvas specialists:Re: Deleting Former DB groups in Canvas app This is still an issue for the student. Her Canvas app still shows her...
Apr 23, 2020 21:54 PM
Ok I contacted the teacher she contacted BYUI Tech support and enrollment. I am no longer enrolled in the class. I can forward you all the emails This is an APP issue. Julie
Apr 23, 2020 21:51 PM
I have contacted the teacher to unenroll me and I have unchecked the star on the desktop but I still have this class on my app. This is my 2nd attempt to reach out to canvas! Yes, I have deleted and r...
Apr 21, 2020 16:36 PM
I have emailed the teacher, I have unstarred the class on my desktop but this class will not go away! PLEASE HELP. Also, it would be nice to have a real conversation with someone as I have submitted t...
Apr 16, 2020 14:46 PM

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