
Janet Laurin
Community Novice
Nov 11, 2018 4:38:42 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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From the students' perspective, not everyone is using word processing software that has word count. I have received messages from multiple students who are counting every word, since Canvas doesn&...
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I feel your pain! I am so frustrated with this issue. I don't understand why the word count is available for the assignment instructions I type into Canvas, but there's no word count for stude...
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Word count is the only functionality that I miss in Canvas. Grading takes too long as I must cut--and-paste every assignment into MSWord before completing the rubric. Is word count in our future?
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Most Recent Posts

From the students' perspective, not everyone is using word processing software that has word count. I have received messages from multiple students who are counting every word, since Canvas doesn&...
Sep 12, 2019 16:07 PM
I feel your pain! I am so frustrated with this issue. I don't understand why the word count is available for the assignment instructions I type into Canvas, but there's no word count for stude...
Sep 12, 2019 16:00 PM
Word count is the only functionality that I miss in Canvas. Grading takes too long as I must cut--and-paste every assignment into MSWord before completing the rubric. Is word count in our future?
Nov 11, 2018 17:41 PM

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